How To Impress A Girl On Whatsapp - Here Are Some Tips That Will Instantly Make You Look Great

how to impress a girl on whatsapp

For a guy, it is important to know how to impress a girl on whatsapp. If you are reading this, then you are probably looking for some advice on how to get the attention of a girl you like. Maybe you have already fallen in love with a girl and want to make sure that she feels just as special to you as you do to her. Or maybe you have simply started chatting with her on a regular basis and you want to know how to turn your chat time into a more intimate experience. Either way, I want to show you a quick tactic you can use to go overboard and actually impress her.

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If you want to learn how to impress a girl on whatsapp, then you must first know how to turn off her vibe. Most girls get bored quickly when chatting online with someone they don't know. They start to get bored of the conversation and the images that pop up are usually uninspiring. So, instead of chatting away all day on your favourite chat site, try learning how to quickly get bored with your surroundings and capture her imagination.


You will probably think that you have already made fun of her enough by now, but you can't let yourself go overboard with the compliments. Start out with a compliment that isn't too serious. Tell her how pretty she looks in her dress or tell her how hot she looks under that light in her photo. Don't be afraid to make fun of yourself too, especially if you find the conversation amusing. This will impress her and make her feel special.

How to Impress a Girl on Whatsapp - Here Are Some Tips That Will Instantly Make You Look Great


Now onto the next tip. How to impress a girl on whatsapp? Get her attention in the first place. If you want to really impress her, then take an interest in what she is talking about. Get into the conversation and keep an eye out for interesting facts and pictures. By getting involved and paying attention to what she's talking about, you will show her that you value her opinion and that you care about what she thinks.


Once you have managed to get her attention, don't go on about her. Instead, move onto something else. The key here is to not sound desperate or needy. By not seeming desperate, she will know that you are interested in her, which makes her feel special.


Now onto the next point. How to impress a girl on whatsapp by not playing the field. Instead, focus on real life situations. Ask her questions about her day and show an interest in what she's going through. Even if you don't understand, she'll be curious to find out more, so be sure to ask about this aspect of life. After all, it's not always easy to talk about your own problems.


Now, once you have her attention, don't overdo it with the flirting. Sure, you might be feeling a little playful towards her, but this should be reserved for appropriate moments. When you've successfully planted the idea that you are interested, proceed to asking her out on a date. If she looks at you for a second longer than a" Yes" sign, then she knows you're up for some fun.


Now, the last little secret is to add a little heat to your chat session. Don't go straight into an intimate conversation. Start off by asking her about her day and how things are going for you. Then throw in a little flirting here and there. This will make her wonder how you got so good at reading her and just how well you can read her body language to know where she's at.

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